“The Island” in Lapham’s Quarterly Vol. VI, 2013
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“The Sea”, Lapham’s Quarterly Vol. VI, 2013
Lapham’s Quarterly is a literary magazine established in 2007 by former Harper’s Magazine editor Lewis H. Lapham. Each issue examines a theme using primary source material from history. The inaugural issue “States of War” contained dozens of essays, speeches, and excerpts from historical authors ranging from Thucydides, William Shakespeare, and Sun Tzu to Mark Twain, among others. Recent issue themes included “The City”, “Sports & Games”, and “Arts & Letters”. Each issue includes an introductory essay by Lapham, readings from historical contributors, and essays by contemporary writers and historians.
The Skull Sessions at SpacesCorners
SpacesCorners is a fantastic independent photobook gallery. We are delighted to announce that The Skull Sessions print publications will be exhibited in their gallery and available online for purchase.
Spaces Corners is an artist-run photobook gallery and project space founded in 2011 in Pittsburgh PA. Our bookshop is carefully edited to reflect important trends in contemporary photography that we hope will inspire and educate our visitors.
︎ The Skull Sessions No.1 at SpacesCorners
︎ The Skull Sessions No.2 at SpacesCorners
Spaces Corners is an artist-run photobook gallery and project space founded in 2011 in Pittsburgh PA. Our bookshop is carefully edited to reflect important trends in contemporary photography that we hope will inspire and educate our visitors.
︎ The Skull Sessions No.1 at SpacesCorners
︎ The Skull Sessions No.2 at SpacesCorners
Review: “The Skull Sessions” in ArtFagCity
“Untitled Takes a Page from Frieze”
by Paddy Johnson
December 6, 2012
[Excerpt] “…As if to drive home that point, the curator walked me over to Skull Sessions, a discussion series and open booth where artists Tim Hyde and Saul Melman were holding court. Hyde invited me to sit down, and we talked for at least thirty minutes about his friend and collaborator Andrea Galvani. In particular, we discussed…”
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by Paddy Johnson
December 6, 2012
[Excerpt] “…As if to drive home that point, the curator walked me over to Skull Sessions, a discussion series and open booth where artists Tim Hyde and Saul Melman were holding court. Hyde invited me to sit down, and we talked for at least thirty minutes about his friend and collaborator Andrea Galvani. In particular, we discussed…”
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Review: “The Skull Sessions” in ArtFetch
[EXCERPT] “…Its most impressive project was the New York–based collaborative called The Skull Sessions(founded by Andrea Galvani and Tim Hyde). Visitors discovered Alice Miceli’s buried and
resurrected rayographs from Chernobyl;
Saul Melman’s performances (one, photographs previously taken of his gilding MoMa PS1’s subterranean furnace, and the other arranging horse skin parchment bricks live within the gallery’s booth); Galvani’s clandestine habitation of a rocky area on the island of Corsica; and Hyde’s manipulated photographs of a person seemingly shifting the sky into moveable panels above a parking lot. The capabilities and semantics of organic bodies, and how time inhibits or facilitates their potential was the key.
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Review: “The Skull Sessions”, Art in General
Art in General
New York City
December 2012
[Excerpt] …”One of the lovelier things we get to experience by participating in UNTITLED is The Skull Sessions, an ongoing collaboration between artists Andrea Galvani and Tim Hyde…”
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New York City
December 2012
[Excerpt] …”One of the lovelier things we get to experience by participating in UNTITLED is The Skull Sessions, an ongoing collaboration between artists Andrea Galvani and Tim Hyde…”
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