Exhibition: “Degrees of Remove: Landscape and Affect” at Sculpture Center, NYC

︎ Degrees of Remove: Landscape and Affect
Sculpture Center
, Queens New York
Curated by Sarina Basta and Fionn Meade

Degrees of Remove suggests the contemporary experience of landscape as increasingly mediated through documentation in urban societies. The works on view explore the representation of spatial constructs through fiction and affect, of allegorical remove. While the word “landscape” was borrowed into English from the Dutch in the 16th century in direct relationship to painting, later definitions came to associate it with vista or natural scenery, and ultimately to a more general equation of landscape with image. As mediations between landscape and the individual have evolved through the increased prominence of photography, film, and other technologies, so has the perception of what constitutes landscape. With these technologies as intermediaries, the exhibition explores related ideas of the author as viewer and the viewer as witness.

Artists: Rosa Barba, Luis Buñuel, eteam, Cyprien Gaillard, Anthony Hamboussi, Carla Herrera-Prats, Tim Hyde, Marie Jager, Gianni Motti, Aura Rosenberg, Oscar Tuazon

︎ View exhibition at Sculpture Center

︎ Video walkthrough of exhibition
Tim Hyde © 2023